Dc 24V To AC 220V pi bon kalite vag sinis pouvwa varyateur 1-3kva varyateur
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This product also has direct startup function by mains and allows the users to provide power supply to the load through the by-pass mains when there is no DC input

  • 24/220V-1kva
  • 24/220V-2kva
  • 24/220V-3kva

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Dc 24V To AC 220V pi bon kalite vag sinis pouvwa varyateur 1-3kva varyateur

This product also has direct startup function by mains and allows the users to provide power supply to the load through the by-pass mains when there is no DC input; meanwhile, it also allows to cut off DC under startup status and to automatically switch to the mains by-pass, without influencing the power supply for the load while facilitating the maintenance replacement of the storage battery.


Vrè pwodiksyon vag sinis (T.H.D < 3%)
Gwo 128*64 dijital Lcd ekspozisyon done enfòmasyon,4 dirije ekspozisyon k ap travay,;
Standard 19” Rack mount case
5 Routes Sèk kontak pou sistèm (DC D' fòt, AC input fay, surcharge enfòmasyon, by-pass enfòmasyon ak fay pwodiksyon)
RS232 ak RS485 & Pò kominikasyon SNMP si ou vle
Pouvwa-sou pwòp tèt ou-tès, Mou pwodiksyon kòmanse
Auto switch fonksyon: DC pou AC, AC kontoune, mwens pase 5ms;
By-pass AC220V input filtering
Siveyans an tan reyèl nan estati fonksyone sistèm lan;
Alam son ak vizyèl;
Ekri mesaj alam istorik la epi yo ka mande w;
Kòmanse oto rekòmanse pandan AC oswa Dc ap refè;
Automatic start temperature control fan;
Bati nan regilatè vòltaj Estabilize AC vòltaj;
Bypass antretyen / DC disponib;
Pwoteksyon :Kout pwoteksyon chaj, pwoteksyon sou chaj, batri sou / anba pwoteksyon vòltaj, sou kouran, sou tanperati
Unattended operation: sistèm nan chanje otomatikman pou bay pouvwa AC nan chaj ki genyen ant opinyon DC ak opinyon AC;

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